James Boxall

My students, far too many, end up at the food bank of Monday night meals. This shouldn't be and it breaks my heart.

Private: The Food Security Project

Deborah Owens

I know it can be a financial struggle being a student and it is important to be well nourished in order to function properly.

Private: The Food Security Project

Le Bistro By Liz

Restaurants know all too well the challenges of navigating the uncertainty of our current era, and that's why it makes sense to partner with the Food Security Project this Giving Tuesday. Students represent our collective futures; it's important for all of us that they have their basic needs met.

Private: The Food Security Project

Budapest Bistro

We've all been impacted by the rising cost of living, but students, many of them far from home or working multiple jobs to make ends meet, are having an especially hard time. Budapest Bisztro is happy to pitch in to keep shelves stocked at campus food banks this Giving Tuesday.

Private: The Food Security Project

Wendy and Allan Stewart

We feel good about giving back in a very fundamental way. A secure source of nutritious food is taken for granted until it is compromised. Our undergraduate and graduate degrees in Agriculture / Biology from NSAC have given us an appreciation of food - from soil and sea, to mouth and belly. We hope that our donation will help students to focus on their studies instead of worrying about their next meal.

Private: The Food Security Project

Faculty of Graduate Studies

varsha hemrajani

We all can help each other.

Private: The Food Security Project


Carol Sinclair

I understand students are finding it very difficult to pay for food rent etc and want to help

Private: The Food Security Project