Have a great dinner and continue to enjoy Dalhousie! Lex MacNeil
Becca Rowland
Happy Holidays!
Devarsh Sood
As an international graduate myself, this initiative serves as a reminder of the importance such days held for me. Best wishes to all the students for the upcoming holiday season, and huge thanks to all the volunteers for organizing.
Karen Dodge
I am fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends during the holidays. I hope this provides students some great food and company when they are far from home
Carol Murray
Cathrine Yuill
This is a wonderful initiative and I'm proud to support it as the team plans for three trips in 2023.
Paul Beesley
viviane amyoony
what an extraordinary project we are excited to see it bravo!! amyoony family
Janet Norman-Smith
Supporting athlete Sarah Valley, our Granddaughter!
Sheila blair-Reid
Thank you to the team and volunteers at Dalhousie for ensuring our international students feel the warmth and fellowship of friends while they are away from family. I love this annual event. It is wonderful that we can gather again safely with our international community. Sheila Blair-Reid
Jennifer Jones
Have a great season. Go Tigers!!