Welcome to a Canadian tradition, and I hope yo have an enjoyable evening. Lex MacNeil

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner

Joan Langley

Well done, Project Team! Merry Christmas, one and all!

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner

Robert Lewington

Wishing everyone a special holiday season. May this meal symbolise our friendship.

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner

Grant MacEachern

Wishing all students success in their studies.

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner

John Gilbert

My very best wishes to all students for a happy holiday season. 53 years ago I also spent Christmas away from home at graduate school and know the importance of fellowship at a communal meal at this time.

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner

Vidhya Ramamoorthy

"Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!"

Private: Annual International Student Holiday Dinner