Samantha Taylor

#JDCCproud #dalproud

Rowe JDCC 2021

Aoife Mac Namara

Wonderful project - best of luck to everyone!

Diversity of Nature: A BIPOC-focused Educational Experience

Jeffrey Paikin

Wishing the Dal team great success on their competition! (Unless they go against MTA!)

Rowe JDCC 2021

bryan smith

As an advocate for social justice and the environment, this appeals to me as worthy venture. Similarly, I have a peripheral link to an Indigenous project in Ontario with historical and ecological learning for youth.

Diversity of Nature: A BIPOC-focused Educational Experience

Lancy Cheng

Great initiative! The expedition sounds fun and I think the students will really enjoy this.

Diversity of Nature: A BIPOC-focused Educational Experience

Nancy Shackell

I have read about related BIPOC natural science initiatives elsewhere, how they can influence people/institutions, science and science culture, and so was very happy for Nova Scotia when I found out about Dalhousie's Diversity of Nature program (AND the program includes a coastal ecology workshop).

Diversity of Nature: A BIPOC-focused Educational Experience

Katie Pagnucco

As a fellow ecologist, I have been looking to support an initiative to help bring more BIPOC into the field, and this project is absolutely fantastic and truly exciting. Very excited to support you, and wish you all the best!

Diversity of Nature: A BIPOC-focused Educational Experience