Donna Bayley
Lee 2 MD Inc.
Kim Hardy
Kaitlyn MacIsaac
Megan C
Emily Nunn
Sobey's Inc
Kristin Pike
Daryl and Irene David
Tom O'Handley
Dave and Ivy Shaw
Denise MacDonell
Melissa Gehrig
Jessica Ma
Angela Keenan
Kelsey MacDonald
Brenda Bennett
Patsy MacDonald
Stephanie McIsaac
Chap Williams
From Chaplain D Williams It’s a joy to share with your vision call Giving Tuesdays. As we rally as one to build a safe world for children worldwide, I thank God for the students who are tomorrow’s leaders here at DAL. At we provide educational awareness to SWYMer (single women y younger men) to become a BLESSor (bridge that leads to entrepreneurial self sustenance) to help prevent child Exploitation.