Anthony Lambert
Glad to help to nourish the young brains that we all count on for the future!
Jo Galarneau
Keep up the great work - keeping critical students needs at the forefront.
James B Riordan
Let's Help Struggling Students
Gordon Fenton
While the pandemic was tough, rapidly rising food costs are even tougher. This is a great and necessary cause. We hope that things will soon get back to a point where nobody has to worry about where their next meal is going to come from...
Younes Miar
Kim Hebert
Food access should not be something students need to worry about when they come to Dalhousie - donating is a very small way to help.
Rebecca Riordon
Happy to pay it forward for students!
Karen Schwarzkopf
Ralph Schwarzkopf
In support of a great soccer team and coaching staff
Jamie McGinnis
Good luck!
Danielle Melanson
Having been away from home for Christmas, the idea of this beautiful gathering warms my heart. I hope it fills the hearts and lifts the spirits of all who attend.
Ross Hagen
Quenta Adams
Oluronke Taiwo
Cynthia Pilichos
Here's to the return of the great International Students' Holiday Dinner!
Kathy MacFarlane
I can't imagine being so far from home during the holidays. I hope this Holiday Dinner makes the students enjoy the holidays a bit more!
terri mann
What a wonderful initiative. I am happy to support this endeavor!