Thank you to our supporters!
July 13, 2023
We want to express our utmost gratitude for your contribution to the Dalhousie Solar Car Team. As you may have heard, we started off as a small group of engineering students in February 2021, with the dream to innovate high in-demand electric vehicles. Not only does this require hard work, dedication and many hours in the shop, but it is the minds and talents of our interdisciplinary team that come together to create a sense of togetherness and group harmony for success.Donations have given us the tools and materials necessary for the construction and development of our car, NOVA. We must admit, funding has been a big obstacle, and it is never easy for any newly formed team; there is an element of trust that has to be established between us and the community, and you have given us hope every step of the way. That being said, your support has brought morale and created the opportunity for DalSol to participate in Formula Sun Grand Prix 2023, an annual closed-track event that attracts solar car teams across North America, marking ourselves in history as the first ever Atlantic Canadian solar car team to attend!
At FSGP, we pursued solar racing amongst many post-secondary institutions and showcased our engineering capabilities. Despite having the smallest race crew of only six members, we impressed the competition and performed even beyond our own expectations. We blew through Scrutineering by placing 3rd overall and during the track event, completed 135 laps, counting over 335 miles, and came 4th in the SOV (single-occupant vehicle) class. We were also awarded "Best New Scrutineering Team"!

Check out our Instagram and Linkedin to find more media recap and also see detailed results via the American Solar Challenge website.
Lastly, note that our projectDal fundraiser is still open for donations! We are in the process of collecting funds to help wrap up this year and start the next project cycle strong. Please spread the word with family, friends and anyone that you know wishes to support our solar car journey!
Sending you warmest sun-ergy,
Dalhousie Solar Car Team