The Food Security Project


Food Security on Campus

For students, access to affordable and nourishing food is never a given.

According to Statistics Canada, overall prices for food purchased from stores rose 2.4 per cent in September over the same month last year, with more nutritious products becoming more inaccessible to budget shoppers. To make matters worse, the overall rising cost of living means resources previously reserved for groceries are now going to rents, transportation costs, and other daily necessities.

Students need healthy meals to fuel their minds and bodies. We want to help meet that need with nutritious choices.

Fortunately, Dalhousie students have access to the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) Food Bank and Agricultural Campus (AC) Food Pantry—student-led resources that are making a difference. But increasing demand means that these services require more funding to adequately serve the student population.

That’s why the Food Security Project is back again—to connect students with reliable access to nutritious food at a time when it’s badly needed. All Food Security Project proceeds will go to stocking shelves, expanding capacity, and providing food literacy programs at the DSU Food Bank and AC Food Pantry.


Be a part of the movement. Triple your impact.

“I’m vegetarian and produce is very expensive, so the selection [at the food bank] really helps. I feel relaxed knowing that I can get what I need and focus on my studies.” – Krishna, Master of Applied Computer Science student

Now in its fifth year, this provincewide movement of universities is rallying to meet the urgent needs of post-secondary students. We at Dal are proud to have spearheaded this effort with our friends at The J & W Murphy Foundation.

We’ve exceeded our goal for four years running, and our objective this time is to raise $90,000 for student food security. Each gift this year will be tripled, thanks to a generous match from the J & W Murphy Foundation and a personal matching gift from a loyal Dalhousie alum, making your donation go even further. Together, we can ensure Dal and King’s students have reliable access to nourishing food when they need it. Help us get there and show students you care.

If you would like more information about this campaign, please reach out to Clare MacDermott at To speak to someone directly about making a gift, please contact Jennifer Pierce at 902.233.9275. Note, you will receive a tax receipt for your donation.


Linda Tuck Chapman

Kathleen Cochrane

Becca Scarratt

It’s hard to study when you are really hungry!

Rebecca Riordon

Brian and Lisa Johnston

Lori Ward

Jo-Anne Galarneau

An established project run by the DSU and supported by the University for a good cause. Bravo to all those involved year after year.

Douglas Chaytor

Students are working toward independence!

Terri Mann

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to such a worthwhile initiative. Keep up the amazing work Clare, Leslie and team!

Devarsh Sood

Honored to support this vital mission of combating food security challenges.

Mary Anne White

Nicholas Katsepontes

A commitment to Dalhousie as Alumni should extend to the most fundamental needs of students. It is heartbreaking to think that Dal students who are studying at such an institution should face issues of access to proper food. We are building sound minds to change the world - lets build the sound bodies that house those minds of the future.

Jennifer Pierce

Sandra Toze

Dawn Morrison

Dr. Lucie Guibault

Dr. David Anderson

Sylvain and Janele Charlebois

The Food Security Project is making a real difference in the lives of individuals and families facing food insecurity. By supporting innovative research, community partnerships, and practical solutions, this initiative helps create sustainable and equitable access to nutritious food for all. Please donate now, and thank you.

Clare MacDermott

Happy to support this campaign, a vital service for students in need.