Food Security on Campus
For students, access to affordable and nourishing food is never a given.
Overall food prices are expected to increase by 5% to 7% in 2023, with nutrient-dense products becoming more and more inaccessible to budget shoppers. To make matters worse, the overall rising cost of living means resources that previously might have been reserved for groceries are now being funneled into inflated rents, transportation costs, and other daily necessities. And many students work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, which doesn’t leave much time or energy for sourcing healthy meals to feed their minds and bodies.
Fortunately, Dalhousie students have access to student-led resources like the Dalhousie Student Union Food Bank and Agricultural Campus Food Pantry. But steadily increasing demand means that these services require more and more funding to adequately meet the needs of the student population. This is demonstrated by the number of visits to the Food Bank almost doubling this October compared to October 2022. The Food Pantry has observed a similar uptick this Fall.
That’s why the Food Security Project is back again, to connect students with reliable access to good food at a time when it’s badly needed. 100% of Food Security Project proceeds go to stocking shelves at the DSU Food Bank and AC Food Pantry.
Be a part of the movement. Double your impact.
Now in its fourth year, the Food Security Project has grown to a true province-wide movement, with communities across Nova Scotia rallying to meet the urgent needs of postsecondary students. We at Dal are proud to have spearheaded this effort with our friends at The J & W Murphy Foundation.
The foundation’s matching support means that gifts from individuals are being matched up to $20,000.
We’ve exceeded our goal for three years running, and our objective this time is to surpass last year’s total of $72,000 for student food security. Together we can ensure Dal and King’s students have reliable access to nourishing food when they need it. Help us get there and show students you care.
If you would like more information about this campaign please reach out to Clare MacDermott at clare.macdermott@dal.ca. To mail a cheque please send to the Office of Advancement, 6389 Coburg Road, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 2A5.
Wade Bo-Maguire
Janet MacDonald
I gave to the Food Security Project because I feel it is very sad that so many people do not have food. I hope this helps students in need.
Alison DeLory
I'm pleased to be able to support Dal students through the Food Security Project. We all are feeling the effects of food inflation and this is a great way to help offset that for students who are so greatly impacted,
Penelope Tham
Terri Mann
All my thanks to the Annual Giving Team at Dalhousie for their amazing work on this initiative and all year. Please no acknowledgements to me, just keep up the amazing work!
Becca Rowland
Anthony Lambert
It seems that student life is more challenging than it was for me 50 years ago!
Gefu Wang-Pruski
Alex Speed
It's hard to learn on an empty stomach.
Alison MacDonald
Michael Hinch
Michael Bradfield
Kathleen Kevany
Eating healthy and sustainable foods are one of the best gifts we give ourselves and future generations. It is critical also that fellow campus community members are supported in securing good food and increasing their well-being.