Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference (Crossroads) is a student-led and student-centered conference taking place March 1 and 2, 2024 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Crossroads is an adjudicated, peer-reviewed conference for student researchers at all levels of study and offers a unique opportunity to showcase and engage in dialogue about innovative health research. Additionally, it provides a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration between students and experts. This year’s conference will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and mini-courses all focused on current and engaging health-related topics. The guiding theme for Crossroads 2024 is, ‘Moving Forward: Sustainable approaches for health’. Students will have the opportunity to present their research in either an oral or poster format. Additionally, we are planning a social event and an awards banquet on the two evenings of the conference.
Crossroads is a student-led and student-centered initiative that began within the School of Health and Human Performance at Dalhousie University and is now affiliated with the Healthy Populations Institute. Crossroads began with a focus on Nova Scotian students and has grown to welcome students from across Canada and beyond. This year’s conference will be the 20th Crossroads, which truly emphasizes its longevity and value to Dalhousie. Through Crossroads, we aim to provide the next generation of leaders and innovators in health and wellness research with a forum to gain valuable skills and experience in knowledge translation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and critical thinking through opportunities to share their research, network with peers and experts, and attend panel discussions, mini-courses, and keynote lectures. Conferences are often unaffordable for students, which leads to little diversity in the knowledge and experiences shared at these events. In order to provide a high-quality and low-barrier conference for students, we graciously rely on sponsors and donors.
This year’s conference has a dedicated and skilled planning committee comprised of 13 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students within Dalhousie University’s School of Health and Human Performance, PhD in Health, Medicine, and Dentistry programs. Together, we organize the planning of all aspects of the conference, including budgeting; booking venues and catering; finding sponsors; planning the conference program; booking panelists, adjudicators, and keynote speakers; and reviewing abstracts. Last year, Crossroads received over 100 abstract submissions from Canadian post-secondary students located coast-to-coast. This year’s conference planning is coming together, with our theme ‘Moving Forward: Sustainable approaches for health’. We are asking for your financial support to ensure that Crossroads can achieve its mission and continue to thrive year after year.
Hosting a conference of this magnitude while providing a high-quality experience and low-barrier access is not possible without the support of sponsors and donors. Donations to Crossroads 2024 will primarily be allocated to venue and catering costs. We are also recognizing students and future leaders in interdisciplinary health research through the provision of an awards banquet. Your gift could support a student research award, recognizing the incredible contributions of students working in health research. Your contribution can help provide student attendees with valuable research, networking, and capacity building opportunities.
For more information about our conference and the work we’re doing, you can find us on Twitter, Instagram, or on our website. To register for the conference, please visit our registration page. We can also be reached by email at dalcihrc@dal.ca. To mail a cheque please send to the Office of Advancement, 6389 Coburg Road, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 2A5.
The Team

Emily Burke
Program: MA Health Promotion
Areas of research: Children’s movement and play behaviours, community and population health interventions, chronic disease prevention

Simran Bhamra
Program: MA in Health Promotion
Research Interests: Health equity, chronic disease prevention, community capacity building of vulnerable populations, and community and population health promotion

Katya Kruglova
Abstract Review Committee
Program: Completed MA Health Promotion in August 2023.
Areas of research: Reproductive health, infertility, infection prevention and control

Sofia So
Program: MA Health Promotion
Areas of research: Pediatric rehabilitation, inclusive service delivery, wheelchair skills, and community health

Lindsay Van Dam
Co-Coordinator, Panels & Mini Courses and Event Volunteers
Program: PhD in Health
Areas of research: Interprofessional education (IPE), collaboration in the oral & health professions, approaches to equity, diversity, inclusivity and access (EDIA) in health education, policy and practice.
Natalie Green
Co-Coordinator, Panels & Mini Courses and Event Volunteers
MA in Health Promotion
Julia Bedell
Co-Coordinator, Promotions & Communications
MA in Health Promotion
Lucy Eum
Co-Coordinator, Promotions & Communications

Ainsley MacDonald
Co-Coordinator, Social Events
MA in Health Promotion
Diana Adamo
Co-Coordinator, Social Events
4th year - Undergraduate Medical Sciences Program
Bea Devlin
Abstract Review Committee
MA in Health Promotion
Becca Henderson
Panels & Mini Courses and Event Volunteers
MA in Health Promotion
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